Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Reflective Post

    This semester in EME2040 we learned many things about how teachers can use technology to enhance classroom material. One of the biggest challenges of this class was successfully collaborating on a group assignment, online. This project really showed that technology allows for greater teamwork on group assignments. This class also connected me to many online sources for teaching material. My favorite of these sites was Edutopia.  Edutopia was able to connect me to material that I can use in the classroom as well as in this class. As I am a visual learner and learn best by ready or watching videos, Edutopia was a great place to find articles on the subjects we learned about. I also found a great youtube channel I would like to share as I plan to use it for future classroom lessons. You can find one of their many video below.

    After some reflection, the only part I believe I would alter about the class is the discussion post. While I understand the point of the discussion post I feel as though they were almost no different from the blog post, other then having other students comment on them. I greatly enjoyed the book. I believe it covered technology for education almost completely.  However, I would have liked to see a larger section on how to not go overboard with technology. A section that would include how much after school communication you should and things like at what point should pull back on the technology and communication. I also feel as though all of the learning outcomes were met. 

Thank you for a great semester!


 Edutopia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 03, 2016, from http://www.edutopia.org/ 

 F. (2016). Fun Cartoon on Dr.Martin Luther King Jr for Kids! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Bio: Black History Month. Retrieved May 03, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALQeX7IFBcg